Your Story is Not Over!

by Allan Scott

I was a liar, a loser, and a thief. was a drug addict and alcoholic. I stole from my friends and my family.

Thatā€™s who I was. It is not who I am now. But, like everyone, my story had its twists and turns.

From the time I was very young, I remember fighting and craziness at home. After my parents divorced, I felt like I never fit in. I was constantly trying to gain the approval of others.

As a single mom, my mother did her best as a single mom to provide for my younger brother and me. She even tried to teach us about Jesus. Somehow she found grants so we could go to Christian schools. We did not have much money, and my mom had us on every government program she could find. She worked multiple jobs and put herself through nursing school. ā€œWow!ā€ is all I can say about all she did as a single mom with two energetic sons. Incredible.

When I was eleven, I picked up a guitar for the first time and absolutely fell in love with music. I wrote songs and practiced for hours a day. Soon, I discovered that making music was going to be my life.

My mother remarried, but the marriage was dysfunctional and so was our home life. Around the age of thirteen, I began to dabble in drugs and alcohol. Right out of the gate, I really enjoyed the confidence I had when I was drunk. I could talk to just about anybody while under the influence.

As time went on, I partied harder and used heavier drugs in larger amounts. I thought I would be able to control my addiction, but I was wrong. Soon, things were worse than ever before.

I dropped out of high school in my senior year and ended up in rehab.

As the years passed, I figured I was going to be a drug addict, a loser, and a thief for the rest of my life. One time, I stole money and drugs from a dealer, locked myself in a hotel room, and used crystal meth for a couple of weeks until I ran out of money. The police were looking for me, but so were the drug dealers I had stolen from. Using, running and hiding became a way of life.

I was trapped and could not get out of the lifestyle no matter how hard I tried. I lost hope that God would ever be able to use me. I had given up music and sold any instruments I had to pay for my lifestyle. I thought my story was over.

One night I was both high and drunk. Standing on some basement steps, I hit my knees and asked God to rescue me. It was one of my darkest times, but I cried out to Jesus Christ to save me. Then I got up, walked away, and forgot about my prayer.

But God did not! Psalms 34:18 (NIV) says, ā€œTheĀ LordĀ is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.ā€

A couple of months later, Godā€™s rescue came in the form of an arrest, I ended up in jail, then rehab again.

My drug and alcohol counselor was a godly man who took me to his church on Sundays. At one service, the Holy Spirit really touched me. I stayed in the sanctuary crying for about forty-five minutes after the service. That day in 2001 everything changed. By the power and grace of God, I have been completely free ever since.

The enemy had a plan to destroy my life and take away the dream of being a musician that God had put in my heart. But God was bigger! Today I travel all over the country with my band, sharing the love of Jesus with addicted and hurting men and women at over one hundred events per year. We perform in prisons, rehabs, churches, and festivals. I have shared my music and my story on international TV shows. Many of our songs are played on Christian radio stations across the country.

If God could do this in the life of a drug addict, a loser, and a thief like me, there is no one who He cannot change, and nothing He cannot do!

My story is not over. Your story is not over. No matter what you are facing, know that God is for you. He is big, able, and always keeps His word. And nothing is impossible for Him. He forgave me and gave me a hope and a future. He can do the same for you or your friend or loved one. He is the God who makes a way where there is no way.

It does not matter what mountain you are facing. Know that God is able and willing to do the impossible in your life. Call out to God. He loves you. Trust Jesus and watch Him do impossible things in your life!


Allan Scott leads the Allan Scott Band and Found & Favored Ministries. See the Allan Scott Band in person at The Story Tour. ā€œOne Night, Three Hours. For the Addicted, Hurting and Struggling.ā€ More info and music at


You can find this article and more in Reach Up Edition: Fall 2021

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