Letter from the Editor – Spring 2021

Oh, my friend,

This past year may have brought many changes in your life. I’ve sure experienced a lot.

Sometimes life just forces change. Last year, I unexpectedly needed to take on having the Power of Attorney for two individuals in my family. Suddenly, I was responsible for their physical lives, their finances, and much more. Plus, at different times, one or both of them were living with my husband and me.

It has been stressful. Let me tell you, there’s nothing like stress to show us what’s inside us. I’ve learned a lot about both myself and about helping others.

I can’t say that I’ve handled things with the best attitude or that I’ve been Christ-like every day. I had flashes of temper, moments of frustration, and sometimes tears and even the urge to flee. That’s when I’ve needed Jesus most.

In my morning prayers, I ‘reached up.’ I asked God to help me become a servant to my family, to show me how to serve. I told the Lord how much I needed to depend upon Him and asked the Holy Spirit to prompt me, showing me what I need to do next throughout the day.

Honestly, I felt God directing my steps as I made doctor appointments, moved belongings, set up care, took one or the other out for a walk, made meals, gave hugs, and kept notes on important things.

In my weakness, I became strong. That doesn’t mean I never made a mistake! Of course I did. I’m human. But I was quick to ask forgiveness of both the person I hurt and of Jesus, who wiped my slate clean … one more time.

Freedom. Freedom from guilt and shame. Freedom to serve with joy.

I’m humming songs again each morning. And I am confident that just as God has been there to help me, He will be there for you — caring for you and offering you freedom.

Caring and freedom — those are the themes running through each article in this issue.

Caring for you,

Crystal Knapp

You can find this article and more in Reach Up Edition: Spring 2021

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