Letter from the Editor – Winter 2017-18

by Crystal Knapp

My dear friend,

Soon it will be Christmas and many will be ceĀ­lebrating the birth of Jesus. It is a wondrous event. But I wonder if you know about the tragic turn of events that history tells us took place two years after His birth?

It isnā€™t a bright part of the account in the life of Jesus. Yet what happened then is happening now — just in other ways. The king of Jesusā€™ country, Israel, felt threatened about the talk of another king having been born. Clearly without of any good moral sense, the jealous king sent troops out to all the surrounding little towns and commanded them to kill, thatā€™s right, slaughter any baby boy two years of age and under.

One of the saddest scripture verses is, ā€œA voice was heard in Ramah, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted because they were no more.ā€ [Matthew 2:18] The loss a mother feels is nearly indescribable.

ā€œWhy,ā€ you might ask, ā€œare you bringing this up in a womenā€™s magazine meant to encourage and uplift? Thatā€™s depressing!ā€

Iā€™m bringing this up because there is a real enemy that wants to destroy and kill our children. That enemy is satan (doesnā€™t deserve a capital letter). His methods of destruction might be abortion, abuse, sex trafficking, all of which weā€™ve talked about one time or another in Reach UP. These are present day problems that affect us deeply. Another tragic way used is stirring up thoughts of hopelessness leading to suicide.Ā 

Itā€™s a permanent solution to temporary problems. In June, July and August my family has dealt with three suicides of young men. It has been heartbreaking and alarming.

Mary Jean Teachman has written from her own experience of loss. We ask that you spread her message to everyone. Be alert. Letā€™s be an army of one-to-one-to-one to stand in the face of this awful threat.

My prayer is that that we will be women who ā€œmake our communities livable.ā€ [Isaiah 58:12 The MSG] That our children will not suffer from neglect, but thrive. That you will be able to smile at the days ahead and know that you have made a difference for good in the life of your child, your friends, your neighborhood.

Reaching UP with you,

Crystal Knapp
Reach UP Magazine

You can find this article and more in Reach Up Edition: Winter 2017-18

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