What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger!

by Liz Martinez Maschkywitz

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” is a saying that you have probably heard before. Some of you will agree, while others will disagree. Some might not understand what these words are saying.

Think about what happens in the military. If you have been in the military, or know someone who was or is presently serving, then you probably know that when a person first joins, they have to go to boot camp. Often boot camp is one of the most painful times in their lives.

My brother was (and still is) one of those people that can endure all kinds of crazy things. But when he went to Navy boot camp, he suffered both physically and emotionally. He told me that he had never exercised so much, eaten so differently, and been screamed at so much. He even admitted that he wanted a motherly or fatherly figure to comfort him. And not having that, he thought he was going to die.

But what happened after eight weeks? He boasted that when he came out of that experience, he felt stronger, healthier, and more confident than he ever did before. What he thought was his road to death made him stronger instead!

The same thing can happen with the struggles we go through. The Bible says, “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31.

In my life I have gone through things that I didn’t understand. Even though I have loved God ever since I can remember, and I have done my best to do the right things (though sometimes failing miserably), I still wonder why some things happen. Why the heartbreak, why the addictions, why the pain?

I have come to understand a hard truth: Had I not gone through any of these things, I would have not grown stronger. I would not be as able to help others. Every time I went through disappointments and heartbreak, I learned valuable lessons that no teacher in this world could have taught me.

One week before Christmas, our car got stolen. Car insurance in New York is very costly, so we were only able to get the minimum plan, which does not include theft. I was very disappointed. In fact, getting our car stolen could have robbed our joy for the holidays. But my husband and I decided to have a positive attitude and allow God to give us strength in the middle of this.

Since then, we have received many gifts from people, including someone lending us a van to use until we our problem is solved. Many people told me that my positive attitude encouraged them so much that they just simply had to give. It was as if God was loving on us through our friends and family.

By the way, our car was found — totaled, but our hearts (and faith) had already been made stronger.

I encourage you today. Spend some time with God and say, “God, whatever it is that I am going through or I have gone through, whatever the devil meant for bad, I declare that You will turn for good. You, O God, will strengthen me like never before. You will help me to help others. May Your will might be done in my life.”

“Don’t let the burdens of your past stand in the way of your future” — Unknown

You can find this article and more in Reach Up Edition: Spring 2016

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