5 Tips to Reach Your Goals in the New Year — Now!

by Karen Duckett

Many people make goals called resolutions at the beginning of the New Year. But almost as many stop working on them after a short time. Here are 5 tips on making and reaching your goals this year.

#1 Start now. Why wait? You don’t need to wait until January 1 to get started on a goal for your life. The moment you decide you’d like to do something, get started!

#2 Work on your goal in bite-sized pieces. When you have something really large to do, break it down into small steps that you can handle. Then do one step at a time.

For example, let’s say your goal is, “Get my GED.” That’s a huge and wonderful goal you can do over time. So the first step may be, “Find out where I can take classes.” Even that step can be broken down into a smaller step: “Talk to three people today about where to take classes.” Write out the bite-sized steps.

Another bite-size tidbit — 1 x 6 = 6 — This formula helped me years ago when I had a goal to write a book. I was working full-time, married with two children, and also very involved in my church. How could I write a book? 1 x 6 = 6! 1 hour a day for 6 days a week (1 x 6) is 6 hours a week. That’s quite a bit of time! That’s how I wrote my book.

#3 Celebrate! Celebrate every time you complete a small step. After all, you are one step closer to your goal! Making a list of small steps will give you the joy of crossing things off your list.

Celebrate big when you complete a major set of steps. This is called a milestone, a word that refers to a marker for each mile on a road. Pause at that marker and say, “Wow! Look how far I’ve come!” Then you will go on to the next step with new energy.

#4 Get a support partner. Ask a friend, spouse, or anyone you respect and trust to be your partner. Share your goal and list of steps with them. On a regular basis, let them know how you’re doing. This will help keep you focused and motivated.

You may also choose to get your support partner’s help or feedback about your goal and the steps you’ve written. But it is always up to YOU what you do and which steps you take. After all, it’s your life!

#5 Ask God for help. He loves to give it!

The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. Psalm 28:7 NLT

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. Psalm 34:5 NLT

The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 NLT

You can find this article and more in Reach Up Edition: Winter 2015

by Amy Wedel

It was a welcome change of scenery from our life in the city. We were hiking, alone in a forest of pine trees, dead leaves, busy squirrels, and small branches surrounding the path. The thick, vast bright colors of fall were everywhere we turned. All we could hear were birds, twigs breaking under our feet, and the sound of kids’ excited voices as they found new discoveries in nature.

I stood there overlooking a small lake. The water was completely still and I could see the perfect reflection of the other side in the water. Then, just like a snap of the finger, my picture-perfect reflection of the water was ruined.

My 7-year-old boy threw a small rock into the water as far as he could. I was upset that he disrupted my serene view of the lake. But then I watched as the ripples in the water kept going and going and going –  all because of one small rock.

Most New Year’s resolutions have come and gone by now. If you’ve kept up with yours, then you are in the top 3 – 5% of the nation!

But there’s still time left in the year to make one small change. Just one small thing. And I’m not talking about the usual: working out or eating better.

I’m talking about one local radio station’s challenge: Listen to ONLY Christian music for 30 days and see how it benefits your life.

Other easy and simple ideas may include:

  • Pray before getting out of bed.
  • Pray while you wash your hair (your eyes are shut anyway!).
  • Read one verse while getting ready in the morning or as you’re trying to fall asleep.
  • Smile at one new person a day.
  • Say “thank you” to the tired bus driver or store clerk.
  • Count to 10 before reacting to a child’s wrong behavior.

You may not see the quick results that you would by going to the gym. But your impact on someone else’s day will be much greater.

Just one small thing can turn into a good lifelong habit. What would one small, different, positive thing in your life look like?


Start it today.

You can find this article and more in Reach Up Edition: Spring 2015

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