Subscription / Pricing

I want Reach UP! How do I get FREE copies each quarter?

We have a variety of ways to furnish you with the quantity of copies you need. Read about them below OR if you’re ready:

Just One?

Read online on this site or on Facebook.com/ReachUP

For any size donation in a given year, we will send donors a magazine each quarter for two years.


Let’s Trade Resources!

For every submitted article that we use, we’ll send you 40 FREE copies (specify language) for that quarter.

For photographs that are archive quality*, we will send you 10 FREE copies of the magazine upon submission. See Contact page.

If you/your organization promotes Reach UP through a conference or city venue, Contact us directly to discuss how we can work together.



BULK Orders & Pricing

Reach UP magazines are FREE for nonprofits to give to the women they serve. Amazingly, they are Free for any quantity of English and/or Spanish up to 1000 copies per quarter. Surpassing 1000 copies, it’s best to contact us. That’s how earnestly we believe in filling the gap that the publishing world has ignored. We don’t want cost to stand in the way of helping the women.

However, when we can’t pay our printing and shipping bills, it delays the next issue. That’s why if your nonprofit can cover at least the shipping and handling, it is a help. Some are choosing to cover both the printing and S&H, which is a blessing not only for Reach UP, but provides the way for smaller ministries unable to contribute.

Estimated cost of printing: 30¢ per magazine

Estimated cost of shipping & handling: 

1 – 50 magazines $ 9
51 – 250 magazines $ 17
251 – 500 magazines $ 34
501 – 750 magazines $ 51
751 – 1,000 magazines $ 68

You will be able to select the option that works best for you — whether it is helping with printing as well as S&H, only S&H, or FREE — on page two of the order form.

Idea >> Enlist a local sponsor who understands the power of a print magazine that stays in the home long after the meal is gone or the thrill of a Christmas gift wears off, to underwrite the printing and shipping costs per quarter.



Maybe you don’t work with a specific organization that works with Reach UP’s target audience, but you really like the mission of Reach UP. Your quarterly donation (50¢ x number of copies) can supply the magazines to the organization/ministry of your choosing each quarter.

Donate Now


Please contact Crystal at crystal@reachupmag.org to discuss how we can help you extend your influence and effectiveness.

*The Reach UP graphics team reserves the right to determine the quality and style. For technical information, refer to Article Submission page.