by Bobbi Jo Reed This is the time of year that we get to be thankful for all things; or we are supposed to. Being real with your thankfulness can be a…
by Mary Jean Teachman Author: Never Saying Goodbye Suicide and drug abuse is an epidemic today. I know that sounds scary, but it is the truth. I know the pain that is…
by Liz Martinez Maschkywitz “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” is a saying that you have probably heard before. Some of you will agree, while others will disagree. Some might not…
por Michael Richards Vi lo siguiente antes de volver al Señor y lo veo aún más ahora que soy cristiano. Las mujeres deben dejar que los hombres las controlen con ese pedacito…
by Michael Richards I saw this before I came back to the Lord and I see it even more now that I am a Christian. Women need to stop letting boys control…
Contada por Marjorie Conigliaro Hola, me llamo Marjorie y quería contarte mi historia. Tengo lágrimas a leerla – ¡cuán GRANDE es nuestro Dios! Él me guardó y por siempre Le agradeceré. Cuando…
por Kim Frederickson Todos necesitamos tomarnos un descanso. Somos buenas en mostrar compasión a otros – pero para muchas, no podemos mostrar la misma compasión a nosotras mismas. Nos decimos cosas que…
by Kim Frederickson We all need to give ourselves a break. We’re good at showing compassion / kindness to other people – but many of us have trouble showing that same compassion…
by Kim Fredrickson, author of GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK, Marriage and Family Therapist and contributor to Reach UP Fall 2015 on the topic of "Being Your Own Best Friend." No matter what…