Mental Health

Rescatado para tu Destino

por Karen Duckett Cuando pasas por un evento difícil, especialmente en la infancia, algunos pensamientos y emociones pueden quedarse atascados en ese evento. Aunque sigas adelante con tu vida, algo de ti…

Rescued for Your Destiny

by Karen Duckett When you go through a difficult event, especially in childhood, some of your thinking and emotions can get stuck in that event. Though you go on with your life,…

Carta de la Editora – Primavera 2021

Amigo mío, Puede que este último año haya traído muchos cambios en tu vida. Yo sí he experimentado mucho. A veces, la vida simplemente nos obliga a cambiar. El año pasado, inesperadamente,…

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2021

Oh, my friend, This past year may have brought many changes in your life. I’ve sure experienced a lot. Sometimes life just forces change. Last year, I unexpectedly needed to take on…

Get Real For Good During the Holidays

by Bobbi Jo Reed This is the time of year that we get to be thankful for all things; or we are supposed to. Being real with your thankfulness can be a…

Christmas is the Season for Giving

by Cindy Hochart, RN, MBA, PMP Have you heard that the Christmas season is when suicide rates are at their highest? Well, it turns out that is NOT true. It’s a myth…

Suicide and Drug Abuse

by Mary Jean Teachman Author: Never Saying Goodbye Suicide and drug abuse is an epidemic today. I know that sounds scary, but it is the truth.  I know the pain that is…
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