by Shirley Erena Murray Star child, earth-child Go-between of God, Love Child, Christ child, Heaven’s lightening rod: This year, this year, Let the day arrive, When Christmas comes for everyone, Everyone…
by Cindy Hochart, RN, MBA, PMP Have you heard that the Christmas season is when suicide rates are at their highest? Well, it turns out that is NOT true. It’s a myth…
by Mary Jean Teachman Author: Never Saying Goodbye Suicide and drug abuse is an epidemic today. I know that sounds scary, but it is the truth. I know the pain that is…
by Liz Martinez Maschkywitz “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” is a saying that you have probably heard before. Some of you will agree, while others will disagree. Some might not…
por Michael Richards Vi lo siguiente antes de volver al Señor y lo veo aún más ahora que soy cristiano. Las mujeres deben dejar que los hombres las controlen con ese pedacito…
by Michael Richards I saw this before I came back to the Lord and I see it even more now that I am a Christian. Women need to stop letting boys control…
Contada por Marjorie Conigliaro Hola, me llamo Marjorie y quería contarte mi historia. Tengo lágrimas a leerla – ¡cuán GRANDE es nuestro Dios! Él me guardó y por siempre Le agradeceré. Cuando…
by Anonymous I thank God for my daughter’s mother. No, I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about my daughter’s birth mother. You see, I adopted my daughter. My daughter’s birth mother…
por Kim Frederickson Todos necesitamos tomarnos un descanso. Somos buenas en mostrar compasión a otros – pero para muchas, no podemos mostrar la misma compasión a nosotras mismas. Nos decimos cosas que…