Empowerment Concerns

Articles and Blog Posts about empowerment concerns

Life Giving ~ Giving Life

by Anonymous I thank God for my daughter’s mother. No, I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about my daughter’s birth mother. You see, I adopted my daughter. My daughter’s birth mother…

¡Tómate un descanso!

por Kim Frederickson Todos necesitamos tomarnos un descanso. Somos buenas en mostrar compasión a otros – pero para muchas, no podemos mostrar la misma compasión a nosotras mismas. Nos decimos cosas que…

Give Yourself A Break!

by Kim Frederickson We all need to give ourselves a break. We’re good at showing compassion / kindness to other people – but many of us have trouble showing that same compassion…

Encouragement for Today!

by Kim Fredrickson, author of GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK, Marriage and Family Therapist and contributor to Reach UP Fall 2015 on the topic of "Being Your Own Best Friend." No matter what…

5 Tips to Reach Your Goals in the New Year — Now!

by Karen Duckett Many people make goals called resolutions at the beginning of the New Year. But almost as many stop working on them after a short time. Here are 5 tips…

The Pilgrims’ Secret Weapon can be Yours Today!

by Debbie Rutan Debbie, have you had some hard times? I’d say all of the “Top Ten” most stressful life experiences have knocked on my door! For ten solid years it felt…

How You Can Connect with God

The best thing in the world is to connect with God, the one who created you in His love and for a special purpose. The problem is we have all sinned (disobeyed…
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