Empowerment Concerns

Articles and Blog Posts about empowerment concerns

Cómo sobrevivir a la pérdida del hogar

por Daniel Kilby Es posible sobrevivir y recuperarse a la falta de hogar. He estado sin hogar seis veces en mi vida. De joven estuve tres veces sin hogar, sin contar las…

Carta de la Editora – Invierno 2022

Querida amiga, Cuando se planificó este número, contábamos con una entrevista a una de nuestras lectoras. Acababa de conseguir un apartamento después de haber vivido dos años en su coche. Emocionados por…

How to Survive Homelessness

by Daniel Kilby It is possible to survive being homeless and get back on your feet. I have been homeless six times in my life. I was homeless three times as a…

Letter from Editor – Winter 2022

Dear Friend, When this issue was being planned, we counted on an interview with one of our readers. She had just gotten an apartment after two years of living in her car.…

¡Adelante! Diles Quien Eres

por Cherlene Adewunmi La recompensa de Establecer una Hoja de Vida o un Curriculum Vitae Todos necesitan una hoja de vida – incluso la persona que lee esto y dice, “¡Yo No!”…

Go Ahead! Tell Them Who You Are

by Cherlene Adewunmi The Rewards of Establishing a Resume Everybody needs a resumé -- even the person reading this saying, “Not me!” No matter what you’ve dealt with in life, whether you…

Addiction – Get the Help. Don’t let Shame Bully You

by MaryAnn Gardner I have worked with people struggling with addiction for the past eighteen years. In that time, I have noticed that a lot of shame is attached to people who…

Bobbi Jo – Under the Influence

We caught up with Bobbi-Jo at the office of Healing House in Kansas City last June. She’s been a friend of Reach UP, giving away thousands of magazines throughout each year to…

Your Story is Not Over!

by Allan Scott I was a liar, a loser, and a thief. was a drug addict and alcoholic. I stole from my friends and my family. That’s who I was. It is…

Letter from the Editor – Fall 2021

by Crystal Knapp   My friend, Have you ever watched a boxing match? I can remember the cute twinkle in my sweet grandma’s eyes when I caught her watching boxing. I never…
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