Letter from Editor – Winter 2022

Dear Friend,

When this issue was being planned, we counted on an interview with one of our readers. She had just gotten an apartment after two years of living in her car. Thrilled to help her settle in, we gave her a bedroom set and other necessities.

I was so busy with my familyā€™s move that two months sped by. When I finally called to meet up with her for the interview, I was devastated to learn she was facing being evicted. This happened because she needed complete bedrest before the birth of her child, then she lost her job. Quite likely, she also had a lack of good counsel.

I had just edited Daniel Kilbyā€™s article containing his tips on how to survive homelessness, so I texted her all the points. I pled with her to sell her car (her license had been suspended anyway) and use that money to pay her back rent and keep a roof over her head.

As of this writing, I do not know what she will choose to do. Her newborn and toddler are in foster care, and she wants them back. (Incidentally, Ivana Liversedgeā€™s article in this issue has some excellent points on being reunited with children after a separation.) But living in a car wonā€™t get her closer to her goal.

Life gets messy and it can be hard.

Jesusā€™ earthly life began as a homeless infant. His parents lived under threatening government rule and were forced to leave their home. There was no Motel 6 in those days, and no one had a room for them anywhere. Then came a last ditch offer to stay where the sheep were penned in. Many traditions say it was a barn, but research reveals it was more likely a cave. No matter. The floor was dirt and the smell of animals filled the air. That was where Mary gave birth to Jesus.

We know that the small family finally moved into a home. We are also told that Jesusā€™ dad, Joseph, had a good job. Yet when Jesus was in his early thirties, the Bible says Jesus ā€œhad no place to lay his headā€ (Luke 9:58). That is partly because he was a traveling teacher. So while He had purpose and work, Jesus experienced ā€œhousing insecurity,ā€ as our government calls it today.

Maybe our governmentā€™s politicians donā€™t get close enough to experience what you are going through, but Jesus does. It is exactly why He left heaven to walk with and live with people on earth. And it was always Godā€™s purpose to be reunited with you ā€¦ forever. His Love for you is without limit. You are accepted just as you are without any condemnation.

Thereā€™s so much more to learn about Godā€™s plan. Talk to the person who gave you this magazine or click here. It will be the start of a lifetime of real hope.

Friend of Jesus and friend to you,

Crystal Knapp

You can find this article and more in Reach Up Edition: Winter 2022

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